Based on 51 reviews Write a review 86% (44) 14% (7) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) S Kochkii Sharron B. Bought 4 and the deal is SOO GOOD especially for the price and quality of everything Getting more soon J Kochkii Jenny Q. Great for anything, used a couple to attach to my phone and toiletry bags C Kochkii Christina S. Great quality T Kochkii Tiffany L. The mango fruit is so cute, especially for the summer S Kochkii Sage B. Makes the best stacks S Kochkii Sara Y. The charms fit all my bags, l love how different they all are V Kochkii Viccky F. the Fluffiness is crazy R Kochkii Rebecca F. Perfect T Kochkii Therese G. Makes for the perfect gift N Kochkii Natalie B. Feels so soft and fluffy E Kochkii Elena K. They really shine in the sun A Kochkii Andrea B. I want MOREEE M Kochkii Michelle L. The vintage looking cars are perfect for anything S Kochkii Sade C. Love A Kochkii Alexis Q. Love love love R Kochkii Rachel L. So cute P Kochkii Phoebe A. These are soo cute to move around C Kochkii Caroline H. So cute I wish I ordered more so fluffy S Kochkii Sophia C. So dainty and cute L Kochkii Leila M. Love changing the charms around each bag B Kochkii Bailey D. The leather is soo nice K Kochkii Kayla G. So easy and makes me want to buy more for all my other bags M Kochkii Mecca C. Aleays getting compliments on my charms B Kochkii Briana S. Bunny is so cute N Kochkii Normani G. The charms are so nice especially for the price